Educenter : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
Educenter : Jurnal Ilmiah PendidikanARKA INSTITUTEen-USEducenter : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan2827-8542Effectiveness of hybrid learning model assisted by google classroom on writing negotiation text in class X RPL SMK Negeri 6 Konawe
<p>The increasing integration of technology in education highlights the need for effective learning models that enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. This study examines the effectiveness of implementing a hybrid learning model assisted by Google Classroom in improving students' learning motivation and negotiation text writing skills. Using a pre-experimental research approach with a one-group pretest-posttest design, the study involved 20 grade X students majoring in software engineering at SMK Negeri 6 Konawe. Data were collected through surveys and writing skills assessments. The findings indicate that hybrid learning with Google Classroom positively impacted students' motivation and writing proficiency, providing a more flexible and cost-effective learning experience. However, challenges such as limited internet access and reduced student interaction during online sessions were identified. The study contributes to the ongoing discussion on hybrid learning by demonstrating its potential benefits in language education while also highlighting areas for improvement. These findings suggest that schools and parents should provide additional support, particularly in enhancing internet accessibility, to maximize the effectiveness of hybrid learning.</p>Haerun AnaSumiman UduSaidiman Saidiman
Copyright (c) 2025 Educenter : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
2025-01-302025-01-3041566710.55904/educenter.v4i1.1385The effect of the Pancasila student profile strengthening project on bullying behavior of students (MA Nurul Iman Bandung City)
<p>This research is driven by the rising prevalence of bullying behaviour among students, encompassing verbal, physical, mental, and sexual forms, which constitutes a significant issue within the educational system. This study aims to evaluate the impact of the project focused on enhancing the Pancasila student profile theme of awakening the soul and body as a solution to address student bullying behaviour. This study employs a quantitative methodology utilising a descriptive analytical technique. The data gathering method was a survey strategy utilising a questionnaire instrument given randomly to tenth-grade pupils. Data analysis was conducted via simple linear regression and product moment correlation, facilitated by SPSS version 25 software. The findings indicated a substantial impact of the Pancasila student profile enhancement initiative, centred on the topic of awakening the soul and body, on the bullying behaviour of tenth-grade students, with a significance value of 0.000 (0.000 < 0.05). The project's impact on enhancing the profile of Pancasila students regarding the theme of developing their character and physical well-being in relation to student bullying behaviour is 62.6%. The study's results indicate that the project aimed at enhancing the Pancasila-themed student profile significantly impacts the bullying behaviour of tenth-grade students.</p>Fadliany Aulia RahmanSyara NurtantriSiti NurhasanahAgus Fahrul RojiRijky Akhmad HidayatUlfah Ulfah
Copyright (c) 2025 Educenter : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
2025-01-242025-01-2441445510.55904/educenter.v4i1.1244The understanding of inclusion in education of pre-service primary school teachers who graduated from a public university in Zimbabwe
<p>Since the universalisation of inclusive education in 1994 at the United Nations Salamanca Conference in Spain, teachers globally have been grappling with how to implement it. Inclusive education calls for adoption of inclusive pedagogical approaches that are learner-centred. In order to do justice to diverse learners in today’s heterogeneous classroom populations, a solid and in-depth understanding of the philosophy of inclusion is a pre-requisite for all classroom practitioners. This qualitative study therefore aims to examine the understanding of inclusion in education of pre-service primary school teachers who graduated from a public university in Zimbabwe as the context for proposing strategies to enhance their professional preparation. Sixteen graduate pre-service primary school teachers who were purposively sampled from Masvingo province’s selected university that proffers pre-service teacher education. A triangulation of data gathering instruments of face-to-face individual interviews, document analysis and non-participant observation complemented by a follow-up discussion was adopted. Data gathered was thematically analysed and established several findings. The chief finding was that, university graduate pre-service primary school teachers had differing and inadequate understandings of the philosophy of inclusion in education that culminated into haphazard implementation of inclusive education as they had various practices.</p>Charles Govero ChipikaDavie Mapfunde
Copyright (c) 2025 Educenter : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
2025-01-142025-01-144111510.55904/educenter.v4i1.1311Math misconceptions: Mistakes, misunderstanding, and confusion
<p>In this study, we investigate mathematical misconceptions, particularly prevalent among high school students, and offer solutions. The primary aims of our research include identifying the most common mathematical misconceptions, uncovering their underlying causes, and evaluating research-based solutions that have successfully addressed these issues. For this study, data were collected using a mixed-methods approach in Stirling Schools operating throughout Iraq. Data were gathered via a diagnostic test, as well as teacher interviews and classroom observations. The test revealed conceptual, procedural, and application problems, while interviews and observations gave qualitative information about the sources of misunderstandings and teaching tactics. The data analysis blended quantitative mistake classification with qualitative theme analysis to provide a complete picture of misunderstandings and effective training approaches. In light of the data obtained, we can state that misconceptions typically stem from a lack of conceptual understanding, over-reliance on procedural methods, and contextual misunderstandings. Additionally, it has been shown that conceptual education, visual aids, and peer-supported learning help eliminate mathematical misconceptions. These valuable findings hold significant implications for educators seeking to improve students' mathematical knowledge by emphasizing the importance of concept-based learning and providing opportunities for re-education. Through this study, we offer key insights into how widespread mathematical misconceptions can be effectively addressed, contributing meaningfully to mathematics education.</p>Abdullah KurudirekBnar KarimDelan SarhangSafarov Tulqin
Copyright (c) 2025 Educenter : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
2025-01-142025-01-1441162510.55904/educenter.v4i1.1322Analysis of teachers' problems in the implementation of the independent curriculum in PAI subjects
<p>Many students experience obstacles in learning Islamic Religious Education, coupled with the implementation of the Independent Learning Curriculum which is still relatively new in its implementation. The implementation of the Independent Learning Curriculum certainly requires time for adjustment, so this affects student learning outcomes and the achievement of appropriate learning objectives. This study aims to examine the problems that occur at SMA Daarul Qur'an Bandung related to the implementation of the Independent Learning curriculum in learning Islamic Religious Education subjects. The research method used is a qualitative case study approach with data collection through observation, interviews and document studies. The results of the study show that in the implementation of the Independent Learning Curriculum in schools there are still various problems, especially in the teacher aspect. It can be concluded that the Independent Curriculum in Islamic Religious Education subjects at SMA Darul Quran Bandung shows a number of challenges that need to be overcome. By continuing to evaluate and adjust, it is hoped that schools can overcome the challenges faced and improve the quality of learning for students as a whole.</p>Hafipudin HafipudinMuhammad Ihsan TaufikMuhammad Nizar FauzanSephia Sriya Diwi Purnama
Copyright (c) 2025 Educenter : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
2025-01-142025-01-1441263510.55904/educenter.v4i1.1242The role of Islamic religious education teachers in preventing bullying against students at Ma'arif Junior High School Bandung City
<p>Bullying is still a common occurrence in educational settings. It can have a negative impact on students' mental health, and can affect students' academic performance. Factors causing bullying that occurs in the school environment are caused by family factors, school environment factors that are unfair to students, peer factors, social media factors that are used improperly. Bullying that occurs in schools is done individually or in groups, so that teachers can play a role in preventing bullying behavior in schools, therefore this research was conducted to find out the problems and factors that cause bullying cases in Ma'arif Junior High School in Bandung. The purpose of the study was to determine the role of PAI teachers in preventing bullying, and to describe the forms of bullying and to find out the efforts made by PAI teachers in preventing bullying in schools. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods through interviews, observation and documentation using Miles and Huberman data analysis, namely, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the pai teacher plays a role in preventing bullying by carrying out several roles at school including as a role model, as an initiator, as an evaluator and as a mentor in preventing bullying that occurs at Ma'arif Junior High School in Bandung City, among which the forms of bullying that occur at Ma'arif Junior High School in Bandung City are verbal, physical, relational bullying. The efforts made by PAI teachers in preventing bullying in schools by running several school programmes, namely the istighosah programme, habituation of dhuha prayer, kitab akhlaq lil banin, kitab ta'lim muta'lim and flag ceremonies.</p>Yudi NugrahaSri Pitri MulyaniRisa Aulia NurfadilahAdinda AzzahraUlfah Ulfah
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