: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan2025-03-06T07:55:52+00:00Lisa Putri Journal SystemsFlorona: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan of consumption of Empty Calories (ECs) among ECCE attending children in Ringim, Jigawa2025-03-06T07:55:52+00:00Halima Umar Muhammadbasharibaffa@gmail.comBaffa Bashari Ibrahimbasharibaffa@gmail.comAuwalu Abdullahibasharibaffa@gmail.comIliyasu Ibrahim Ringimbasharibaffa@gmail.comNafiu<p>Like other beings, children are only able to learn and develop properly if they are consuming healthy foods, instead of unhealthy empty calories, especially at Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) level. Poor dietary experience will surely affect Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) and have a long-lasting effect in the entire life. Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) This study aimed to determine the prevalence of empty calories consumption among Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) attending children in Ringim, Jigawa State, Nigeria. A random sampling procedure was used to select 133 participants. Data was collected using a questionnaire and visual observation. Results showed that 57.9% of the children consumed empty calories, with macaroni, spaghetti, and beverages being the most common types. Thus, the implications of this finding is that, the future leaders (children) are exposed to unhealthy foods at schools, which is a risk that is linked to several deadly disorders such as diabetes, cancers, heart disease, hypertension, malnutrition, and so on. Therefore, the future of the society may be at risk. In this vein, all policies makers including the parents should be educated (informed) about dangers of empty calories to children and means to scuttle escalation of the problem. Indeed, the study highlights the need for nutrition education and interventions to promote healthy eating habits among ECCE attending child.</p>2025-02-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 FLORONA : Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan review: Diagnosis dan tatalaksana anemia pada penyakit jantung2024-12-04T10:04:54+00:00Benly Levi Andreas Sibaranibenlylevi07@gmail.comYandi<p>Anemia merupakan keadaan yang ditandai dengan kurangnya kadar hemoglobin dalam darah dan sering ditemukan pada berbagai penyakit salah satunya sebagai komorbid dari penyakit jantung. Anemia dan penyakit jantung saling berhubungan baik secara langsung maupun tidak lansung. Tujuan: Tinjauan kepustakaan ini bertujuan untuk membahas etiologi, patofisiologi, konsekuensi anemia terhadap gagal jantung, serta koreksi anemia pada penderita gagal jantung. Metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini yaitu mensintesis beberapa teori, penelitian dan artikel terkait dengan tujuan dari tinjauan kepustakaan yang membahas anemia pada penyakit jantung secara komprehensif. Hasil : Dari tinjauan ini didapatkan bahwa penyakit jantung dan anemia saling berkitan dalam patomekanisme penyakit keduanya, wawancara medis, manifestasi klinis, pemeriksaan fisik dan pemeriksaan penunjang spesifik seperti kadar transferrin, ferritin dan serum iron merupakan pemeriksaan spesifik yang dapat digunakan dalam menegakkan anemia pada penyakit jantung. Penatalaksanaan seperti pemberian transfusi darah, preparat eritropoietin, suplementasi besi atau diuretik memerlukan pertimbangan yang baik dan disesuaikan dengan keadaan khusus masing-masing penderita. Prognosis akan semakin buruk jika memiliki komorbid lain seperti gagal ginjal kronis. Kesimpulannya anemia pada penyakit jantung saling berhubungan yang memerlukan pemeriksaan secara komprehensif, penatalaksanaan berupa koreksi Hb dan penyakit yang medasari serta evaluasi sangat diperlukan pada kondisi ini.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 FLORONA : Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Impacts of plastic pollution on human health and biological systems2024-11-30T03:41:14+00:00Yusuf Samaila<p>Current spare of human development consisting of advancements in science and technology that led to the synthesis of plastics, polymers with diverse benefits in human endeavours; and on the other hand, the need for quality water is more intensified nowadays. Plastics pollution is rising due to mismanagement, and inturn causing contamination of water bodies and ultimately affecting biological systems. A review of literatures pertaining water, plastics and water pollution was done to fulfill the objective of this study. This study examines the harmful effects of plastics in water on human health and biological systems. Plastics, widely used in daily life, contaminate water sources, posing significant health risks. This review explores the role of water in biological systems, types of plastics, sources of plastic pollution, harmful chemicals conveyed by plastics, and management strategies.This paper concludes that behavior change, effective waste management, effective water supply and treatment, awareness creation may contribute greatly in controlling water pollution caused by plastic pollution.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 FLORONA : Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan