Each manuscript submitted to Florona: Jurnal ilmiah Kesehatan for publication is subject to peer review. One to three experts regularly analyse submitted manuscripts; their tasks will include determining if the material is sufficiently clear for publication, whether it duplicates previously published work, and whether it is strong science. The level of significance and interest in the research will also be requested of reviewers. Based on these reports and, if needed, their consultation with Editorial Board members, the Editors will make a judgement.

After considering the reviewers' feedback, the editors will decide whether to accept or reject the manuscript under the following guidelines: (1) accept and publish, either with or without editorial changes; (2) ask the authors to make necessary revisions to their manuscript and address particular issues; or (3) reject the article outright, usually for reasons such as lack of novelty, inadequate conceptual advancements, or significant technical or interpretive issues. The authors will be notified in writing of any modifications made to the original text for their review.

The amended manuscript's references, tables, graphic materials, and sentence style should all be thoroughly reviewed by the authors. The ultimate say over whether to accept or reject a manuscript will rest with the Editor-in-Chief. The editorial board maintains the right to make changes to articles' style, format, and clarity. Manuscripts that contain too many mistakes in any area, such as punctuation or spelling, may either be rejected outright or returned to the authors for improvement before being resubmitted.