Keynesia: International Journal of Economics and Business (E-ISSN: 2829-7253, P-ISSN: 2829-7725) is an international peer-reviewed journal. This journal is published by the Arka Institute and is published twice a year, in April and October. The Keynesia scope is global, and the journal endeavors to publish high-quality research that makes a contribution to the literature and/or has an impact on policymaking. In this regard, Keynesia: International Journal of Economics and Business welcomes research papers from economists, academics, and policymakers, regardless of their institutional affiliation and geographic location. Starting with volume 3 issue 1 (April 2024), templates for Keynesia journals have been changed to make the quality of the articles better. Up until now, articles have been written using a new template. You can get the new template from this page (download here).

Keynesia focuses on a broad range of topics, covering:

  1. Economic Development; Monetary, Finance, and Banking; International Economics; Public Economics; Development Economics; and Regional Economics.
  2. Management Science: Marketing, Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship, and International Business
  3. Accounting Science: Public Sector Taxation and Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Auditing, Financial Accounting Accounting, and Management Behavioral Accounting

All manuscripts submitted to the editor will receive a review using a double-blind review system, meaning that the author does not know the name of the reviewer, and the reviewer does not know the name of the author.


Published: 2024-04-18

Impact of social media advertising features on Vietnamese gen z’s online shopping intentions

Trinh Le Tan, Ngo Tran Xuat, Dao Thi Dai Trang, Nguyen Duc Tri, Mai Xuan Tai | Pages: 15-24

Analysis of the implementation of the CDC (Centralized Document Collateral) credit file system at BTN Syariah Bandung through the PDCA cycle

Nendita Syalwa Nurfadillah, Sulton Sudrajat, Indi Siti Rahmawati, Rani Indriawati, Dian Rosinawati | Pages: 25-36

Analysis of generation Z transaction interest in sharia banks based on digitalization and cyber security

Siti Aisyah, Dede Istianah, Aditya Firmansyah, Muhammad Abdul Halim, Irni Sri Cahyanti | Pages: 37-46

Analysis of Islamic financial literacy and demographics on saving decisions in Islamic banks

Sultan Nawawi, Fadla Nurwahid, Ikeu Nurhasanah, Dera Vila J Juniar, Muhsin Muhsin | Pages: 47-61

Analysis of factors affecting inflation rates during the crisis period in six ASEAN countries during 1997 – 2021

Maulidina Laksmi Prameswari, Lukman Hakim, Siti Aisyah Tri Rahayu | Pages: 62-76