Submission of manuscripts to this journal necessitates adherence to the defined topic and scope, as well as compliance with the rules provided for authors. Manuscripts that are submitted should specifically discuss the scientific value or originality of the research, in line with the subject and extent of the publication. The Editorial Board retains the authority to decline manuscript that do not align with the theme or meet the criteria outlined in the Author Guidelines. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited in all manuscripts. Nautical: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia has implemented the use of Turnitin software to carefully analyze all submitted publications for any signs of plagiarism.

The research articles submitted to this publication undergo a single-blind review process conducted by peer review. The peer review statement's quality is guaranteed through a meticulous and principled process, where one to three independent reviewers anonymously evaluate each significant work.

The reviewers offer invaluable scientific feedback that enhances the manuscript's content. The editor, acting on behalf of the editorial board, will make the ultimate determination about the acceptance of the article, taking into consideration the feedback provided by the reviewers.

The Editor-in-Chief will determine the publication of accepted articles, considering factors such as the order of receipt, geographical distribution of authors, and thematic issues.

Evaluation of Findings: Incorporating input from the peer review procedure, the editor will reach the ultimate determination regarding publication. The evaluation procedure is expected to last between 2 and 7 weeks. The decision categories encompass:

  • Declined: Manuscripts that are rejected will not be published, and authors will not be given the chance to submit a revised version of the work to Nautical: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia.
  • Revised Submission: A manuscript that is resubmitted for revision, even with substantial alterations, may still be approved. Nevertheless, a review will be necessary.
  • Accepted with Revisions: Manuscripts that acquire a decision of acceptance pending revision will be published on Nautical: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia, as long as there are minor or major changes required. The editors will scrutinize the edits to ensure that essential improvements are implemented before the release.
  • Accepted articles will be published without the need for any additional revisions.

Upon review, the editor will provide the author with all relevant information. The author is required to complete and submit the final version of their work to the editor within four weeks. If, following this duration, the piece is not returned (or the editorial board is not informed of the delay), the article will be declined.