Nautical: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia (E-ISSN: 2829-632X, P-ISSN: 2829-7466) is a multidisciplinary journal that is published by Arka Institute. This journal presents a diverse range of scientific publications across various disciplines, including humanities and social sciences, contemporary political science, education science, religion and philosophy, engineering science, business and economy, cooperatives, technology, HR development, and design and media arts.

In order to improve quality, starting from Volume 3 Number 1 in 2024, Nautical: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia will be published four times a year. The publication will be in January, April, July, and October. In order to maintain high levels of quality and impartiality, this publication is peer reviewed using a blind review approach.


Published: 2022-07-27

The impact of social support on stress management for students at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta during the covid-19 pandemic

Syifa Khoirun Nisa, Fadillah Rizki Rahmadina, Arifah Zanuba Fajriah, Dwi Setyowati | Pages: 170-175

Strategi Pengelolaan Sampah di Kawasan Pesisir Pantai Sibolga

Ahmad Fadil Rangkuti, Susilawati Susilawati | Pages: 176-179

Pengaruh sistem informasi manajemen terhadap kualitas kinerja karyawan

Shinta Amelia, Dinda Ayu Bunga | Pages: 207-209

Pengaruh kinerja karyawan terhadap kepuasan konsumen

Fatimah Azzahra, Erika Mega Fristina | Pages: 227-234

Analisis pengaruh stress kerja terhadap ojek online di Kota Medan

Yusril Iza Mahendra, Dimas Setiawan, Abdan Habib Fawwazir, Dewi Ratna, Meuthia Ulyna Zahra | Pages: 246-252

Sanitasi lingkungan pesisir di Pantai Gudang Garam Desa Kota Pari Serdang Bedagai

Azijah Nur Ismail Berutu, Susilawati Susilawati | Pages: 253-259

Analisa faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan bagi peserta BPJS di Puskesmas: kajian literature

Putri Sonia, Aina Cici Ramadhani, Fitriani Pramita Gurning, Syah Putra | Pages: 260-267

Pengaruh influencer marketing terhadap kinerja pemasaran

Siti Masitoh, M. Wilfrida Melania Adjid | Pages: 274-279