Nautical: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia (E-ISSN: 2829-632X, P-ISSN: 2829-7466) is a multidisciplinary journal that is published by Arka Institute. This journal presents a diverse range of scientific publications across various disciplines, including humanities and social sciences, contemporary political science, education science, religion and philosophy, engineering science, business and economy, cooperatives, technology, HR development, and design and media arts.

In order to improve quality, starting from Volume 3 Number 1 in 2024, Nautical: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia will be published four times a year. The publication will be in January, April, July, and October. In order to maintain high levels of quality and impartiality, this publication is peer reviewed using a blind review approach.


Published: 2024-04-25

Analisis saving management penggemar k-pop terhadap pembelian merchandise

Anisa Latifah, Dinda Ayu Triani, Khaila Nur Salsabila, Ressyel Rizkya Alghefira, Sulis IndrianiSulis indriani, Zahra Tazkia, Rama Wijaya Abdul Rozak | Pages: 8-17

Pertukaran sosial mahasiswa social loafing dengan mahasiswa hypercarry dalam kelompok tugas pada perkuliahan jarak jauh di era digital

Efthariena Efthariena, Bona Torasboas Simanjuntak, Fritz Joe Stuart, Erlangga Shieldo Elia, Rosanah Rosanah | Pages: 1-7